As per instructions passed by the Govt. of the Punjab School Education Department Lahore, regarding all kind of leave applied on HRMS, the following steps may be adopted in this regard:
- All relevant documents may be completed at your own level
- Leave account in service book must be prepared and signed by the DDO
- in case of Ex. Pakistan leave, copy of Passport, travelling schedule, may also be attached with the case
- In case of Medical leave, medical certificate must be attached duly signed by the MS of DHQ or THQ hospital
- In case of Maternity leave. Delivery certificate must be attached duly signed by the MS of DHQ or THQ hospital.
- in case of Iddat leave, Death certificate of her husband must be attached duly signed by the Union Council concerned.
- In case of Earned leave, leave must be applied before the starting of leave period along with solid justified reason.
- Pay refund of all kind of leaves must be submitted In Govt. Treasury on Challan Form 32 A.

Leaves flows
Types of Leaves
1: Casual leave (C.L)
These are total 25 per year. If you don’t avail or you avail half, remaining will be wasted, it will not be added up in next year account. On 31 December every year Casual leave account is closed & again on 1st January 25 casual leave account is opened. Every month 2 casual leaves could be availed, but in some cases Deputy DEO (for primary/middle school) can approve 10-15 C-leaves depending on situations
Read in detail Revised Punjab Leave Rules 1981 Updated
No. of leaves allowed as per rule | 25 per year |
Sanctioning Authority | Headteacher/AEO for Primary/Middle, Principal for high/higher secondary schools |
Document Required | Online HRMS leave request (watch how to apply) |
Process of availing Leave | Apply online>Headteacher approves |
2: Earned leaves (E.L)
Vacational regular servants earn 1 leave after serving one month, while non Vacational regular servants earn 4 leaves after 1 month. These leaves are granted with pay.
Vocational servants will earn 12 Leaves after one year (12 month, 1 each month) service, while non vacational servants will earn 48 Leaves after serving one year (12 month, 4 each month).
Vacational Servant are those who enjoy Summer/winter vacations like teachers.
Non–Vacational Servant are those who serve whole year like Class IV, AEOs, DDEOs, DEOS etc.
Note: To be eligible for Earned Leave, at least 16 days attendance is necessary.
Read in detail Revised Punjab Leave Rules 1981 Updated
No. of leaves allowed as per rule | 12 for vacational per year, 48 for non vacational per year |
Sanctioning Authority | District Education Officer (DEO) |
Document Required | Online HRMS leave request, Attach Leave form online (watch how to apply) |
Process of availing Leave | Apply online>Headteacher forwards>AEO forwards>D.DEO forwards>DEO Approves |
3: Extraordinary leaves (EOL)
Extraordinary leave (EOL) WITH-NO-PAY could be availed on any ground up to a Maximum of 5 years once in whole service only if a servant has completed 10 year continuous service.
If servant has not completed 10 year service & his/her service is 5,6,7,8 or 9 years he/she will be allowed only 2 year EOL.
Note: Whatever duration is, if anyone avails EOL, this period of EOL will be deducted from Service length, which will affect seniority.
Read in detail Revised Punjab Leave Rules 1981 Updated
No. of leaves allowed as per rule | Maximum 1825 once in whole service |
Sanctioning Authority | District Education Officer |
Document Required | Online HRMS leave request, Attach detailed hand written application & Leave form online (watch how to apply) |
Process of availing Leave | Apply online>Headteacher forwards>AEO forwards>D.DEO forwards>DEO Approves |
4: Maternity leaves (M.T)
Maternity leaves are availed by females on child birth. Female employees are granted 90 days leave on child birth with pay. This leave can be availed 3 times in whole service, every time 90 days With Pay.
Note: If a female employee expects 4th baby, then she will be granted leave without pay, & this duration will be deducted from service length.
Read in detail Revised Punjab Leave Rules 1981 Updated
No. of leaves allowed as per rule | 270 in whole service. (90 days, 3 times, 3 child births) |
Sanctioning Authority | Deputy District Education Officer |
Document Required | Online HRMS leave request. Attach online following documents 1) hand written application, 2) Doctor check up certificate clearly showing date of child delivery 3) duly signed Leave form from AEO. (watch how to apply) |
Process of availing Leave | Apply online>Headteacher forwards>AEO forwards>D.DEO Approves |
5: Paternity leaves (P.T)
If wife of a civil servant is expecting a child birth, that civil servant (husband) can avail 10 paternity leaves with pay on every child birth up to 3 babies. It means it can be availed 3 times total of 30 in whole service.
Read in detail Revised Punjab Leave Rules 1981 Updated
No. of leaves allowed as per rule | 30 in whole service |
Sanctioning Authority | Deputy District Education Officer |
Document Required | Online HRMS leave request. Attach online following documents 1) hand written application, 2) Doctor check up certificate of wife clearly showing date of child delivery 3) duly signed Leave form from AEO. (watch how to apply) |
Process of availing Leave | Apply online>Headteacher forwards>AEO forwards>D.DEO Approves |
6: Hajj leave
Any Muslim employee can go for hajj once in whole service. This leave is granted with pay up to 45 days.
Read in detail Revised Punjab Leave Rules 1981 Updated
No. of leaves allowed as per rule | 45 once in whole service |
Sanctioning Authority | District Education Officer |
Document Required | Online HRMS leave request. Attach online following documents 1) hand written application 2) Visa & ticket 3) Undertaken, stating employee will report back office on End of leave. 4) duly signed Leave form from AEO. (watch how to apply) |
Process of availing Leave | Apply online>Headteacher check and forwards>AEO check and forwards >D.DEO check and forwards > DEO approves |
7: Ex Pakistan leave
Ex-Pakistan leave WITH-NO-PAY could be availed on any ground up to a Maximum of 5 years once in whole service only if a servant has completed 10 year continuous service.
If servant has not completed 10 year service & his/her service is 5,6,7,8 or 9 years he/she will be allowed only 2 year Ex-Pakistan leave.
Note: Whatever duration is, if anyone avails Ex-Pak Leave, this period of Ex-Pak Leave will be deducted from Service length, which will affect seniority.
Read in detail Revised Punjab Leave Rules 1981 Updated
No. of leaves allowed as per rule | 1825 in whole service |
Sanctioning Authority | District Education Officer |
Document Required | Online HRMS leave request. Attach online following documents 1) hand written application 2) Visa & ticket 3) Undertaken, stating employee will report back office on End of leave. 4) duly signed Leave form from AEO. (watch how to apply) |
Process of availing Leave | Apply online>Headteacher check and forwards>AEO check and forwards >D.DEO check and forwards > DEO approves |
8: lddat leave
If spouse (husband) of any female civil servant dies, she will be granted this leave i.e. Iddat leave once in whole service with pay. (Note: Without pay on death of second husband)
Read in detail Revised Punjab Leave Rules 1981 Updated
No. of leaves allowed as per rule | 130 once in whole service |
Sanctioning Authority | District Education Officer |
Document Required | Online HRMS leave request. Attach online following documents 1) hand written application 2)Death Certificate/Any Hospital death declare letter 3) duly signed Leave form from AEO. (watch how to apply) |
Process of availing Leave | Apply online>Headteacher check and forwards>AEO check and forwards >D.DEO check and forwards > DEO approves |
9: Medical leave
Read in detail Revised Punjab Leave Rules 1981 Updated
No. of leaves allowed as per rule | 1) Without-medical-certificate=120 days 2) With-medical-certificate=180-days 3) On medical certificate from leave account, in entire service=365 days |
Sanctioning Authority | District Education Officer |
Document Required | Online HRMS leave request. Attach online following documents 1) hand written application 2)for 120 days Medical Certificate duly signed by Doctor/MS for 180 days by Medical board 3) duly signed Leave form from AEO. (watch how to apply) |
Process of availing Leave | Apply online>Headteacher check and forwards>AEO check and forwards >D.DEO check and forwards > DEO approves |
10: Study Leave
It can be availed by regular employees only if his/her service is at least 5 years. It cant be availed if remaining service is 3 years. Mean in last 3 years of service it cant be availed. The study leave duration is not deducted from service & it is granted with full pay.
Read in detail Revised Punjab Leave Rules 1981 Updated Page 18,19,20 & 21.
No. of leaves allowed as per rule | 1095 (3 years) once in whole service |
Sanctioning Authority | District Education Officer |
Document Required | Online HRMS leave request. Attach online following documents 1) hand written application 2) Initial approval letter by office to apply for admission 3) Admission/enrolment notice/letter by University 4) Undertaken, stating employee will report back office on End of leave. 5) duly signed Leave form from AEO. (watch how to apply) |
Process of availing Leave | Apply online>Headteacher check and forwards>AEO check and forwards >D.DEO check and forwards > DEO approves & notifies |
LPR is attained for the period of 365 days, full pay except conveyance allowance is given. In this duration he/she is eligible for increments.
If any one avails Leave Encashment , he/she is awarded pay of 365 days at once, and it is notified in retirement notification.
Read in detail Revised Punjab Leave Rules 1981 Updated
No. of leaves allowed as per rule | 365 in whole service |
Sanctioning Authority | District Education Officer |
Document Required | Online HRMS leave request. Attach online following documents 1)Hand written application 2)Service book 3)Retirement notification 4)No audit, no para, no punishment, No demand certificates 5) Service certificate |
Process of availing Leave | Apply online>Headteacher check and forwards>AEO check and forwards >D.DEO check and forwards > DEO approves & notifies |
12: Umrah Leave
Read in detail Revised Punjab Leave Rules 1981 Updated
No. of leaves allowed as per rule | 15 in whole service |
Sanctioning Authority | District Education Officer |
Document Required | Online HRMS leave request. Attach online following documents 1) hand written application 2) Visa & ticket 3) Undertaken, stating employee will report back office on End of leave. 4) duly signed Leave form from AEO. (watch how to apply) |
Process of availing Leave | Apply online>Headteacher check and forwards>AEO check and forwards >D.DEO check and forwards > DEO approves |