- Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system.
- Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system
- The shape of our Milky Way galaxy is Spiral.
- The smallest planet is Mercury.
- The coldest planet of solar system is Neptune.
- According to the International Astronomical Union, there are eight planets and five dwarf planets in our Solar System.
- Moon is called a satellite of the earth because it revolves around the earth.
- Comets revolve around Sun.
- Jupiter is larger than the earth by about 10 times.
- The fastest planet is Mercury.
- Venus orbits around the Sun in the backward direction from east to west.
- The planet which revolves very slowly around the sun is Neptune.
- The planet with shortest daytime is Jupiter.
- The first Chinese national in space was Yang Liwei.
- The first Chinese national to walk in space was Zhai Zhigang.
- The first Polish in space was Miroslaw Hermaszewski.
- The first Romanian in space was Dumitru Prunariu.
- The planet nearest to the Earth is Venus.
- The brightest planet in the Solar System is Venus.
- The energy generation in stars is due to fusion of light nuclei.
- Sun is located approximately at the the solar system
- Uranus is the planet in the solar system which rotates on its axis from East to West
- The planets are kept in motion in their respective orbits by Gravitation and centrifugal force.
- Lunar eclipse does not occur every month because the moon’s orbit is not all the time in the same plane as the earths.
- Lunar eclipse is caused when the earth comes between the sun and the moon.
- First Canadian to walk in space was Chris Hadfield.
- First Cuban in space Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez.
- Solar eclipse occurs when moon comes between sun and earth.
- Bodies which usually fall from the sky on the Earth are called meteors.
- Comets are luminous celestial bodies moving round the sun.
- Sun rises in the east and sets in the west due to the rotation of the Earth on its axis.
- The mass of the moon in comparison to the Earth is 1/80.
- The rising of the evening star indicates thewest.
- The time taken by Uranus to revolve round the sun is approximately 84 years.
- Jupiter has the maximum number of satellites.
- Light year is the distance travelled by light in one year.
- The shape of Earth’s orbit around the sun is elliptical.
- Solar eclipse occurs on full moon day
- The ‘zodiac signs or “houses of the heaven” are named after star signs.
- Lunar eclipse occurs only on a full moon day.
- The European space agency has recently sent its first spacecraft to the moon, named smart-1
- In 1969-man first step out on the moon.
- On October 4, 1957, the space age begin with the launch of the Russian Sputnik-l
- Operation Path Finder is a mission to Mars.
- Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to set foot on moon.
- Apollo XI spacecraft’s enabled man to step on the moon first.
- The first Malaysian in space was Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor.
- The first person in space was Yuri Gagarin.
- The first Saudi in space was Sultan Salman Al Saud.
- The first Syrian in space was Muhammad Faris.
- Earth is known as “Blue Planet”.
- Venus is known as the “Morning Star”.
- Earth is known as “Terra Planet”.
- Neptune takes the largest time to go once around the Sun.
- Our Galaxy consists of 8(Stars)
- Venus is known as the “Evening Star”
- Earth is also called as ‘Watery Planet”.
- Solar system was discovered by Copernicus.
- The unit of measuring distances between the stars is known as light year.
- There is a well-developed system of rings around Saturn.
- There are 56 Satellites (Moons) of Saturn Planet
- Jupiter is larger than the earth by about 317 times
- NASA has recently sent Opportunity space shuttle on the surface of Mars
- Neptune is the second planet from the sun.
- Jupiter spins on its axis at the fastest rate.
- Venus contains largest quantity of carbon dioxide with 95%.
- 109 times is the sun bigger in size than the earth
- The temperature at the surface of the sun and its center is respectively, about 6000 K and 20 million k.
- The sun consists mostly of Hydrogen.
- Venus is brightest as seen from the Earth.
- The heaviest mass revolving round the Sun is Jupiter
- The rising of the evening star indicates the west.
- Jupiter has the largest number of natural satellites. Its total satellites are 63.
- First Afghan who went in space Abdul Ahad Mohmand.
- CHALLENGER space shuttle was launched by the United States in May 2005
- The brightest star in the sky is Sun.
- Venus reflects to space the highest percentage of light it receives from the sun than any other planet of the solar system.
- Venus has lesser diameter than the earths
- Jupiter has greater diameter than the earth.
- Mars has lessened diameter than the earth.
- Mercury has lesser diameter than the earth.
- Mars takes very nearly the same time for a rotation on its own axis as does the earth.
- The correct sequence of the following planets b in terms of gravity, in the descending order is Earth, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn.
- Triton is a satellite of Neptune.
- The maximum day and night temperatures approximately on the moon are respectively 100°C and 180°C.
- Kohoutek is the brightest comet.
- The planet which has longest day is Venus.
- The planet which has shortest year is Mercury.
- The planet which has longest year is Neptune
- Russia launched its space station into space in 1986, which was Mir
- Hubble is a space telescope.
- Total planets are 8.
- Light travels from Sun to Earth in 510 seconds.
- The theory that refers to an explosion about nowo10 to 15 billion years ago which most astronomers believe to be the origin of the universe is called Big Bang Theory
- Black holes are stellar object which have intense gravitational field.
- Mercury is the planet which is not only the smallest but also nearest to the sun.
- Venus is known as the Earth’s Twin
- 6 months is the maximum length of a day of the poles.
- Cause of the phases of the Moon is rotation of earth.
- Christian Huygens-was the first to speculate tin that Venus is completely covered with clouds.
- Twelve constellations referred to as zodiac. are a group of stars.
- Giordano Bruno was the first to determine that the day on the Mars was, like ours, roughly twenty-four hours long.
- On 20th July 1969, two American scientists landed on moon of earth.
- The first ever artificial satellite was launched by Russia.
- Roberta Bondar was the first Canadian woman in-space.
- Marc Garneau was the first Canadian in space.
- Vladimir Remek was the first Czech and first de non-Soviet European in space.
- Jean-Loup Chretien was the first French person in space and first non-Soviet European to walk in space.
- Sigmund John was the first German in space.
- Sunspots are cooler areas which move about on the sun’s surface and show up as dark spots.
- The rank of the earth in the solar system in terms of size is fifth
- A light year is equal to 9.50 million kilometers.
- The temperature of Sun’s center is 15 million C and the temperature of outer surface of r sun is 5500 to 6000°C.
- According to new scientific research that water is present on the surface of Mars except earth planet.
- Neptune’s orbit around the sun takes about 165 years.
- Elliptical path is the name of path of the sun amongst the stars in our galaxy.
- The visible part of the sun is called Photosphere.
- The rings of Saturn were discovered by Galileo in 1610.
- The comet, named after Edmund Halley, reappears after a time interval of every 76 years.
- A Comet has a tail always pointing away from the sun.
- The group of small pieces of rock revolving round the sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter are called Asteroids.
- Uranus orbits around the sun in a clockwise direction from east to west.
- Mercury and Venus lie between the sun and the earth.
- Saturn is 9.5 times bigger than the earth.
- Hubble space telescope was launched into on the space on April 24, 1990.
- Hubble space telescope was launched into ki the space with the help of space shuttle o Discovery.
- Occurrence of ozone is most relevant for the presence of life on Mars.
- The mean distance from the earth to the Sun is 149200000 km.
- Earth has the largest amount of oxygen.
- 28 days the moon takes to return to the same position among the constellations
- Stars which appear single to the naked eye but are double stars when observed by a telescope, are known as Binderies.
- The outermost layer of Sun is called Corona.
- The altitudes of heavenly bodies appear to be greater than they are. This is due to – Atmospheric refraction.
- A star which appears blue’ is hotter than the sun.
- Neptune planet is farthest from the sun.
- The light coming from stars gives the idea of their temperature,
- The Milky Way extends through 105 light years
- Venus has almost the same mass, size, and density as the earth.
- The biggest star in our galaxy is Proximalo Centauri.
- Galileo was the first to observe sunspots.
- The period of one revolution of sun around the center of galaxy is called cosmic year.
- “Super Nova” means a dying star
- Asteroids or planetoids circle between Mars and Jupiter.
- The earth revolves around the sun at a speed of 29 km/sec.
- Eratosthenes was the first to measure the distance around the earth.
- The first artificial satellite was launched on October 4, 1957.
- America launched its first space station in 1973.
- Six of the eight planets of the solar system were known in the lifetime of Kepler, the formulator of laws of planetary motions.
- Mercury and Venus are the two planets of the Ho solar system that have no satellites.
- The study of heavenly bodies is known as Astrophysics.
- MAKEMAKE is the 2nd most-massive unknown dwarf planet in the Solar System (after Eris) and the tenth-most-massive body observed directly orbiting the Sun.
- Sputnik II, first artificial satellite. was launched 3 November 1957.
- The first Western Scientist to suggest that the Earth revolved around the Sun was in si Copernicus.
- Skylab was space laboratory launched in 1973, It belonged to USA.
- In 1979 Sky Lab did break up in the atmosphere and fell back to the earth.
- Black Hole is Hypothetical region in space.
- Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe.
- The earth’s rotation on its axis is from West to East
- The job of the sophisticated unmanned US spacecraft Voyager was to examine the Uranus.
- In 1977, USA launched two Voyagers and in 1979 they passed Jupiter and sent back color pictures and other information about the planet and its moons.
- Venus is the Roman goddess that was called Aphrodite in Greek.
- The planet with the shortest rotation time around its axis is Jupiter
- The planet with the longest rotation time around its axis is Venus.
- Curiosity is the name of space shuttle of US which has recently landed on the planet of Mars.
- The first space shuttle launched by United States on April 12, 1981, was Columbia.
- Russian space scientists have planned to launch a manned flight to Mars by 2018.
- Southern Cross, which is constellation, found in the southern region of the night sky consists of five stars.
- Nasiruddin Tusi was the famous astronomer of Iran whom George Sarton attributes 64 scientific books and he also worked as scientific advisor to Halaku Khan.
- Estimated age of the Universe is 13 billion years.
- The first tourist in space was Dennis Tito.
- International Date Line is mainly vertical.
- Heat received by the Earth from the Sun is known as solar radiation.
- Distance between the Earth and Sun during winter decreases.

- The distance between the earth and the sun is smallest in the month of January.
- Nearest part of atmosphere to earth is called troposphere.
- The time taken by sunlight to reach the Earth is 8 minutes 20 seconds
- The time required for moonlight to reach earth 1.3 seconds.
- The moon’s volume is about 1/50’h of Earth.
- The exact time taken by the earth for single rotation on its own axis is 23 hours 56 minutes 4.09 seconds.
- The size of the earth was first measured by Eratosthenes.
- The speed per minute at which the earth revolves around the sun is more than 1,600 kilometers.
- Days and nights are caused by rotation of the earth on its axis.
- The Sun always rises in the East because the earth rotates from west to east.
- A satellite moving round the earth with a uniform speed has Uniform acceleration.
- The diameter of the earth at equator is 12,756 km2.
- Circumference of the Earth is around 40000 km.
- The total Mass of the earth is 6.0X10^24 Kilograms
- The shape of earth’s orbit around the sun is Elliptical.
- The average distance of the Sun from Earth 149,598,900 km.
- The crust forms 0.5% percentage of the volume of the earth.
- At latitude of 45°, the earth spins on its axis at the rate of 1120 km/hr.
- It is six months long day in the northern polar region and six months long night in the southern polar region because earth is inclined towards its orbital plane.
- The movement inside the Earth’s crust is studied by seismology.
- Green House Effect’ means by trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric carbon dioxide.
- The approximate equatorial circumference of the earth is 40,000 Km.
- Spring tides occur on new moon and full moon days because on these days Sun, moon and earth are in the straight line.
- The International Date Line is an imaginary line extending from pole to pole along the places on the earth’s surface and lies along the 180° meridian.
- The total surface area of earth is 510 million square kilometers.
- The earth’s rotation on its axis is from West to East.
- The upper part of the mantle upon which the crust of the Earth floats is called Asthenosphere.
- Silicon is present in the largest amount in terms of percentage by mass in the earth’s crust.
- The earth the atmosphere consists of 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen.
- The Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit. Its speed is greatest when it is closest to the Sun.
- The core of the earth is Metallic.
- Atmospheric pressure exerted on earth is due to Gravitational pull of the earth.
- The Earth’s annual circuit round the sun covers 996 million km.
- The earth is at the least distance from the sun (Perihelion) on January 3rd:
- The earth is at the largest distance from the sun (Aphelion) on July 4″.
- Moon is called a satellite of the earth because it revolves round the earth.
- The Sun shines vertically on the Equator twice a year.
- Light emitted by sun reaches earth in 500 seconds.
- Earth is, known as the “Watery Planet”.
- Theory of abiogenesis regards the origin of life on earth is accepted today.
- On the 21st of June, the day light is seen at the North Pole for 24 hours.
- The distance of the equator from either of the poles is 10,002 Km.
- Solar eclipse occurs when moon comes between sun and earth.
- Japan is called ‘land of the rising sun because Japan being the easternmost country in the World, it has the earliest sunrise.
- Bodies which usually fall from the sky on the Earth are called Meteors.
- Lunar eclipse does not occur every month because the moon’s orbit is not all the time in the same plane as the earth.
- The mass of the moon in comparison to the Earth is 1/80.
- The lunar eclipse occurs when earth comes between the sun and moon.
- Days and nights are equal throughout the globe when Sun is above Equator.
- Marine Ecosystem covers the largest area of 17 the earth’s surface.
- The Equator is a Great Circle.
- The approximate age of earth is 4.6 x 109 year.
- The first organisms on earth were heterotrophs.
- The International Date Line is in the Pacific Ocean.
- The Earth is Oblate.
- In 23 h 56 min 4.9 sec the Earth completes one rotation on its axis.
- Day and night changes due to Earth’s rotation round its axis.
- Change in season is caused due to Revolution of earth.
- Latitude and Longitude both run perpendicular to each other.
- One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to 69 miles.
- There are 181 lines of latitude on the globe.
- The movement inside the Earth’s crust is studied by Seismology.
- A highly accurate time piece which is used to keep Greenwich meantime is called chronometer.
- The four major components of the atmosphere are Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and argon.
- Increase in carbon dioxide in atmosphere causes rise in earth temperature.
- The velocity of winds is related to pressure In gradient in the direction of their flow.
- Oxygen in the upper atmosphere is converted into Ozone.
- The proportion of nitrogen in dry air is 78% by volume.
- The percentage of oxygen in the atmospheric oxygen is approximately 21%.
- Atmosphere around the earth maintains its temperature.
- The imaginary line on the earth’s surface 3 which closely follows the 180° meridian is called International Date Line.
- Schmidt suggested the earth’s origin from gases and dust particles.
- The earth revolves round the sun in its orbit by approximately 10 per day.
- When the earth reaches its perihelion, then it is nearest to the sun.
- Broadly, there are three layers of the earth the crust, the mantle, and the core, the crust forms 0.5 percentage of the total volume of the earth.
- According to Simon Winchester’s book, there are 36 Tectonic plates in the earth.
- The polar diameter of the earth is shorter than the equatorial diameter by 43 km.
- The sun’s heat and light energy reaches the earth by radiations.
- The North Pole of the Earth is turned away from the sun on 21st December.
- At the core of the earth, the temperature is estimated to be around 2,000-degree C.
- The central core layer of the earth is believed to have the heaviest mineral materials of highest density.
- Water is not an example of exhaustible resources of the earth available to man.
- 51% of insulation is received by the earth’s Surface.
- Equatorial region of the earth’s surface receives the highest amount of insulation.
- The inclination of the earth’s axis to the orbital plane is 23.500
- On the Equator there is always day and night are of equal duration.
- The speed of rotation of the earth is the highest at the North Pole.
- At Vernal Equinox earth revolve at a faster rate around the Sun.
- 15% of the earth’s total surface is covered by forests.
- Atmospheric pressure exerted on earth is due to gravitational pull of the earth.
- The Earth is closer to the Sun in January.
- Seasons on earth are caused by Revolution of earth round the Sun and its axis tilted at 66.50o.
- The earth is 5th largest planet of the solar system.
- The diameter of earth is 12756 km.
- South Pole is in the continent of Antarctica.
- Noctilucent cloud forms are found at the highest altitudes.
- Thickness of atmosphere around the earth is 145km.
- The layers of atmosphere are divided in to 4 parts.
- Above the earth’s surface troposphere extends to a height of 15 km.
- Stratosphere is above the troposphere layer.
- The mesosphere extended above the earth’s surface is up to 85 km.
- All vital atmospheric process leading to various climatic and weather conditions take place in the troposphere.
- On the day of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere the length of daytime on the Antarctic Circle is 24 hours.
- Days and nights are of equal duration on March 21 at all parallel of latitude.
- Sandstone is the most porous rock.
- Weathering is Breakdown or disintegration of rocks.
- Ordovician is the oldest rock.
- If a place is located at 20 N, 80E it lies in Asia Continent.
- Mediterranean is the region of winter rainfall.
- Soil formed by deposition of silt brought by rivers is alluvial soil.
- High tides at antipodes are caused due to Gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.
- Convectional types of rainfall are typical of equatorial regions.
- Change in season is caused due to Revolution of earth.
- Winds generally blow from areas of high pressure to that of low pressure.
- Black soil is best suited for deep rooted crops.
- The imaginary line on the earth’s surface which closely follow the 180 meridian is called international date line.
- Russia has largest area in the world.
- Equatorial climate is said to be characterized by three Eighties: 80 F of temperature, 80 per cent of humidity and 80 inches of rainfall.
- Evergreen forests are found where the rain fall is between 80 and 120.
- Hailstorm occurs in summer season due to the formation of clouds called cumulonimbus.
- The seasonal reversal of winds is a phenomenon noticed in Monsoon climate.
- Roaring forties are steady north westerly anti-trade winds in southern hemisphere.
- Humidity in the air is Maximum in monsoon.
- Sandstones belong to erinaceous rocks.
- Contour is a measure of Topography.
- China has longest land frontiers.
- The area associated with the greatest frequency of earthquakes is west coast of north and south America.
- Cloud burst means abnormally heavy downpour of rain associated with a thunderstorm.
- Hematite is an ore of iron.
- All longitudes and equator are great circles.
- The rocks which are formed by direct cooling and solidification of magma are called igneous rocks.
- The shortest day in northern hemisphere is 22 December
- The earth revolves round the sun in its orbit by approximately 1 per day.
- EQUINOX means Day and Night are equal.
- The Earth is divided into 7 Continents.
- The latitude of the equator is 0°
- Latitude of South Pole is 90°.
- 20% of the total world’s land is occupied by the African continent
- Roald Amundsen the first person who reached South Pole.
- The imaginary line of zero-degree longitude – which passes through Greenwich is called Meridian.
- Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) was established in 1884.
- Greenwich Mean Time passes through Mali.
- The earth’s rotation on its axis is from West to East.
- Lines drawn parallel to the equator are called Latitudes.
- The Equator is a Great Circle.
- On June 21, the sun is vertically overhead the Tropic of Cancer.
- Word ‘Geo’ means Earth.
- The Element which is most abundant in the Earth’s crust is Oxygen.
- The hole developed in the Ozone Layer is over Antarctica
- The difference in the duration of day and night increases as one move from Equator to Poles.
- The duration of day & night at North & South Poles is 6 months.
- Day and night are equal on 21st September.
- Day and night are equal at the Equator.
- The dates on which day and night is equal 21st March and 23rd September.
- Lunar eclipse occurs on full moon.
- The rotation of earth around is axis causes Day & Night.
- Sir James Clark the first person who located the Magnetic Pole in 1831.
- Silicon is the most abundantly found metal on the Earth’s surface.
- The term that best describes the shape of the earth Sphere.
- The lowest point on earth is Dead Sea.
- The most abundant element in Earth’s crust is Oxygen.
- Copernicus the Scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves round the sun.
- Distance between the Earth and Sun during winter increases.
- The distance of a place south or north of Equator is called latitude.
- The belt of low atmospheric pressure on either side of the equator is called Doldrums.
- According to a latest research, global warming I would increase temperature on earth at least one degree centigrade in 50 years.
- Silicon is called the “earth maker’.
- The ‘Aurora Borealis’ occurs in the Exosphere.
- The world has been divided into 24 time zones.
- Zero longitude on the Greenland is known as Prime Meridian.
- Al-Biruni discovered the radius of the earth, which was 6338 km.
- Contours are lines connecting places having – Equal height.
- When the days and nights are equal the rays of the sun directly fall on the Equator.
- Crust’ is Earth’s Outer layer.
- Heat of sunrays to earth is reduced by Ozon layer.
- The largest reserves of fresh water on the Earth’s surface are in North America

- Ecosystem refers to Earth Environment.
- Monsoon season in Pakistan starts in July and end in September.
- The major constituent of air is Nitrogen.
- The climate of Pakistan is mostly referred as hot and dry.
- Nearest part of atmosphere to earth is called Troposphere.
- Oxygen by volume has a presence in the atmosphere of about 21%.
- If there were no atmosphere, color of the sky would be black.
- Ozone Layer prevents Ultraviolet rays from entering the atmosphere.
- Oxygen in the upper atmosphere is converted into Ozone
- The proportion of nitrogen in dry air is 78%.
- Thickness of atmosphere around the earth is 145 km.
- Atmosphere around the earth maintains its temperature.
- All vital atmospheric process leading to various climatic and weather conditions take place in the troposphere.
- Troposphere, tropopause, Stratosphere, ionosphere is the sequence represents correctly the different atmospheric layers for the earth’s surface.
- The mesosphere extended above the earth’s surface is up to 85km.

- Crimean Peninsula lies between the Black Sea & the sea o Azov.
- Imaginary line on the Earth’s surface which closely follows 180O meridian is international date line.
- The lie joining the areas having the same rainfall is called Isohyet.
- The Great Barrier Reef is known as Coral formation.
- The Great Barrier Reef runs parallel to the coast of Queensland.
- Ginkgo is a living fossil.
- The immediate ancestor of modern man is Cro-Magnon man.
- Evolution of human species occurred in Africa.
- The dinosaurs became extinct about 200 million years before the first man appeared on the earth.
- Natural selection really means differential reproduction.
- Correct sequence of evolution is Fish, Frogs, Reptiles, Birds and then Mammals.
- A belt of calm and light variable winds near the equator is Doldrums.
- A narrow strip of land surrounded almost entirely by water and connecting two large bodies of land is called Isthmus.
- Spring tides occur due to Full moon day as well as on new Moon Day.
- Spring tides occur at new Moon Day and full, moon day because on the day’s when of Sun, Moon and the Earth are in time.
- Tides in the ocean are caused by Gravitational attraction of the sun and the moon.
- Violent winds and rain are called cyclones.
- For a time, difference of one hour the longitudinal distance is equal to 150.
- The International Date Line passes through Approximately 1800 east or west meridian
- Ocean currents are caused by Permanent winds.
- The Earth is elliptical because of its Centrifugal force of rotation.
- Chlorofluorocarbons are responsible for the depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere.
- Controlled industrialization leads to acid rain because of nitrous and Sulphur dioxide.
- Acid rain is caused due to pollution of atmosphere by oxides of nitrogen and Sulphur.
- The study of the relation of animals and plants to their surroundings is called Ecology.
- Pollution consists of emission of toxic gases like carbon dioxide, and others, release of toxic particles of lead, Sulphur, and other compounds, dust, and smoke haze; rise in temperatures to abnormal levels, etc. Forests and oceans counteract these effects by absorbing carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen and water vapors.
- Paper is biodegradable.
- If all the plants of the world die, all the animals will also die due to shortage of oxygen.2
- Wind and water are the main agents of soil erosion.
- The most abundant element in the Earth’s atmosphere is Nitrogen
- The distance between consecutive longitudes at the poles is Zero.
- Belgium is not a Scandinavian country.
- The belt of low atmospheric pressure on either side of the equator is called Doldrums.
- The duration of a day at the poles is 6 months.
- Imaginary lines drawn on a global map, from pole to pole and perpendicular to the equator, are called Meridians.
- Norway is also known as Land of Midnight Sun.
- Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula.
- The landmass of Australia continents is the least.
- A nautical mile is equal to 1,825 meters.
- A violent whirlwind characterized by a black funnel-shaped cloud hanging from heavy cumulonimbus is known by the name of Tornado.
- Atmospheric temperature increases at the higher altitudes due to Convection.
- The latitude of the equator is 0°.
- The frozen Continent around the South Pole is Antarctica.
- Burma is not land locked.
- Cirrus clouds are High clouds.
- The soil, which is a mixture of sand, clay and silt is known as Loamy soil.
- The Mediterranean regions are characterized by heavy rain in winter.
- Planetary winds are those which Never change their direction.
- Gulf Stream Ocean currents is popularly known as ‘Warm Current’.
- Granite is an igneous rock.
- Marble is metamorphic rock.
- In Siberian climate are coniferous forests found.
- Antarctica is the icy continent.
- Pampas are the vast grassy plains of South America.
- Littoral forests constitute a rich source of Firewood.
- Suva is the capital of Fiji.
- Cuba is situated in the Atlantic Ocean.
- ‘Middle East’ group of countries includes West Asian countries.
- The North Atlantic Sea route is regarded as an important international trade route because Trade winds help shipping.
- Congo River crosses the equator twice.
- Bauxite is an important ore of Aluminum.
- Jordan is not grouped with the Caribbean.
- One of the countries through which equator passes is Indonesia.
- Colorado River forms the Grand Canyon in the United States.
- Noctilucent cloud form is found at the highest altitudes.
- Smog phenomena occur when water vapor condenses around a particle of smoke
- Most astronomers believe that origin of the Universe is Big Bang Theory.
- The soil which cracks and shrinks most as it dries is clayey soil
- Before independence East Timor was the part of Indonesia
- Before independence Kosovo was the part of Serbia.
- Weathering is Breakdown or disintegration of rocks.
- Lake Victoria forms an international boundary between Tanzania and Uganda.
- Convectional rainfall is typical of equatorial regions.
- Winds generally blow from areas of High pressure to that of low pressure.
- Trade winds, Polar winds and Monsoon winds are planetary winds except.
- Gulf streams are caused by Ocean Pressure.
- All vital atmospheric process leading to various climatic and weather conditions take place in the Troposphere.
- The minimum land area recommended for forest cover to maintain proper ecological balance is 25%.
- Xerophyte plant is suited to grow under drought conditions.
- Rows of trees grown along the coastal areas to reduce the impact of cyclones are known as Mangroves.
- The smallest ocean of the world is Arctic
- The Equator is a Great Circle.
- Mediterranean is the region of winter rainfall.
- Availability of ample water is one of the important considerations in the location of Paper industry.
- The world’s largest oil refinery is located at Abadan.
- Brazil produces sugar mainly from sugar beet.
- Diego Garcia is situated in the Indian Ocean.
- The equator, the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn run through the continents of Africa
- Moraines are glacial deposits.
- Canada leads in production of barley among the following.
- Australia tops in the production of wool.
- Uranium is mostly produced in Canada.
- Soil formed by deposition of silt brought by rivers is alluvial soil.
- Russia has the largest area in the world.
- India leads in the production of tea.
- Sydney is famous and finest harbor
- Political geography is an application of political science that deals with human social activities that are related to the locations and boundaries of cities, nations, and groups of nations.
- Barchans are caused by the action of Wind.
- The capital of Costa Rica is San Joes.
- Evergreen forests are found Where the rainfall is between 80° and 120°.
- Canada leads in the production of asbestos.
- The largest mica producing country in the world is India.
- Vasco de Gama in 1498 discovered the sea route to India.
- Savannas are Tropical Grasslands.
- More than 2/3 of the world’s tin comes from Malaysia.
- A narrow strip of land connecting two large areas of land is known as Isthmus.
- Alexandria and Cairo are situated on the river Nile.
- Temperate grasslands of Asia and Europe are called Steppes.
- Sedimentary rocks are Porous.
- Oasis is associated with Desert.
- The tern ‘Third World’ refers to Underdeveloped and developing countries.
- Hailstorm occurs in summer season due to the formation of clouds called Cumulonimbus
- The seasonal reversal of winds is a phenomenon noticed in Monsoon climate.
- Roaring Forties are Steady northwest anti-trade in southern, hemisphere.
- A cataract is a Matter.
- Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is UK standard time Based on the local time of the meridian passing through Greenwich, near London.
- Prime meridian is at 00 longitude an arbitrarily selected line from which all the other meridians are measured or an imaginary line of longitude that run from pole to pole in a north-south direction around the globe.
- The four countries with the largest population in order of size are China, India, Russia, and USA
- “Watergate” is a name given to the headquarters of the Democratic Party in Washington
- Humidity in the air is maximum in Monsoon.
- Contour is a measure of Topography.
- Latitude of South Pole is 90°.
- Hematite is an ore of iron.
- Arm and dry summers and cold and wet winters is a Mediterranean type of climate.
- The shortest day is 22 December.
- Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route to India via the Cape of Good Hope in 1498.
- One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to 112 km.
- China has longest land frontiers.
- Chlorine, caustic soda, and soda ash are produced from common salt.
- When the sun shines vertically on the whole Arctic Circle, it is vertical on the Tropic of cancer.
- The area of our Globe that lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn is called Torrid Zone.
- The Polar Regions illustrate the extreme effects of the phenomena of seasons.
- The basin of Congo River is regarded as having the highest hydel power potential.
- China consumes more fish than any other country in the world.
- The word “Tsunami” belongs to Japanese languages.
- Largest Coral Reef is in Australia.
- Cluster of Island is called Archipelago.
- Sun rises in the east and sets in the west due to the Movement of the Sun.
- Violent winds and rain are cyclones.
- In a tropical cyclone, pressure Decreases towards the Centre and wind moves in an anticlockwise direction in the northern hemisphere.
- The heaviest rainfall is recorded in Equatorial regions.
- The Mediterranean regions are characterized by heavy rain in winter.
- The dates on which day and night is equal are 21st March and 23rd September.
- Latitude of place is indicative of its Temperature.
- The difference in the duration of day and night increases as one move from Equator to poles.
- The sun reaches its maximum angular distance from the equator at the Solstice.
- Latitude and Longitude both run perpendicular to each other.
- The depletion of ozone layer has been caused mainly by the release of chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere.
- Troposphere provides ideal conditions for flying aero planes
- Some of the countries through which Equator passes are Zaire, Kenya, and Uganda.
- A line on a map joining places of equal monthly or yearly rainfall is Isohyets.
- A line on a map joining places having equal atmospheric pressure is called Isobar.
- The important country close to International Date Line is New Zealand.
- Lhasa is situated at the highest altitude.
- The instrument used for measuring humidity is Hygrometer.
- Most of the weather phenomena take place in Troposphere of the atmosphere.
- Funnel shaped clouds with violent whirl winds are named as Tornado.
- The tropical cyclones often follow the direction of movement from West to east.
- An upper wind system with very high velocities in certain parts the atmospheric is called Jet stream.
- The amount of water vapor (grams) in each volume of air (cubic meter) is known as Absolute humidity.
- 21st June is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere.
- Fog is not a form of precipitation.
- Perspiration is maximum when temperature is I high and air is dry.
- Equinox refers to two periods in the year when the days and nights are equal.
- Planetary winds are those which never change their direction.
- Bhutan and Nepal in South Asia are land locked.
- MacMohan line is the border between India & China.
- Lines drawn parallel to the equator are called Latitudes.
- Cosmography is concerned with the description and mapping of the main features of the Universe.
- The distance of the equator from either of the poles is 10,002 km.
- If a place is located at 20° N. 80° E. it lies in Asia.
- Trade winds of the northern hemisphere blow from the north-east to south-west due to Gravitational force.
- One of the countries through which equator passes is Indonesia.
- Cryogenics is the science that deals with the production, control, and application of very low temperature.
- Lines experiencing equal impact of an earthquake are called seismic lines.
- Reptile animals were the last to appear in the process of evolution.
- The chief agent of evolution is natural selection.
- For a time, difference of 1 hour the longitudinal distance is equal to 150.
- Trade winds of the northern hemisphere blow from the north-east to south-west due to Gravitational force.
- In the troposphere, the normal lapse rate, i.e., the decrease in temperature with height is of the order of 1°C for 165 meters.
- A land-locked country in Africa is Zambia.
- South Pole is in the Antarctica continent.
- Contours are the Areas of equal height above sea level
- Lines joining places of equal temperature are called Isotherms.
- Isohyets are Equal rainfall areas 186.
- Isobars are Equal atmospheric Pressure areas
- Wind blowing in a spiral form around a region of low atmospheric pressure is a Cyclone.
- Spring tides occur Full moon day as well as on new Moon Day.
- Spring tides occur at new Moon Day and full Moon Day because on these days when Sun, Moon and the Earth are in line.
- The heavier silicates named as silica + magnesium is most abundant in the Ocean floors.
- South Asia is most thickly populated.
- Hydrogen is most predominant in the Sun.
- When the days and nights are equal the rays of the sun directly fall on the Equator
- On June 21, the sun is vertically overhead the Tropic of Cancer.
- Maximum duration of totality for a solar eclipse observed is 7 minutes 40 seconds.
- The term ‘Ecliptic’ is used for the Sun’s path in the sky during a year.
- Isthmus explains a narrow strip of land separating two seas and connecting two landmarks.
- The largest continent (in terms of area) is Asia.
- The tide at its maximum height is known as Spring tide.
- Antarctica is the coldest place in the world.
- Africa in the world has the least rainfall.
- The average salt content of sea water is 3.5 %.
- Organisms at the base of the food chain are Photosynthetic plants.
- Albania is in the continent of Europe.
- Japan does not have a common land with the People’s Republic of China.
- Australia is the smallest continent of the world area-wise.
- Thorium is not only magnetic but also radioactive.
- Broad-leaved forests account for most of the total forest area in the world.
- Siberian climate are coniferous forests found.
- Antarctica is the icy continent.
- Monsoon is an example of seasonal winds.
- The Third world comprises approximately 70% of world’s human race.
- The maximum biological magnification of DDT through food web is seen is man.
- Miller and Urey groups of scientists provided experimental proof to the abiotic origin of life.
- Charles Darwin is the propounded of the theory of Natural Selection.
- The species to which we belong is Homo sapiens.
- Chimpanzee resembles most to human beings in terms of physical and mental.
- Operon proposed the chemical evolution of life.
- The evolution of human species took place mainly in Africa.
- The atmospheric pressure at any place is measured by Barometer.
- Caucasus mountain system lies between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.
- Kyoto was the old capital of Japan.
- Antarctica is the least populated continent of the world.
- Seasonal contrast in temperature is minimum in the equatorial region because sun is almost vertically overhead throughout the year.
- Deciduous trees are those That shed their leaves during a certain season
- Black Forest is the name of mountain present in Germany.
- The Tundra Region gets no rainfall throughout the year.
- World’s first oil-well drilled in the nineteenth century in “Titus fills” in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
- Hungary is a landlocked country.
- First oil-well drilled in 1859 in USA.
- A local wind blow from sea to land is Sea Breeze.
- Rearing of silkworm is Sericulture.
- ‘Flash Point” term is related with the study of climate.
- Argentina is the largest supplier of meat.
- A famous natural bridge is in Virginia.
- The most severe storm is a Tornado.
- All the watches of a country are set according to standard time of the country.
- Winds blow from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure.
- Doldrums are equatorial zone with low pressure
- The Sea breeze blows during Day from sea to land.
- The Trade winds are caused by Inflaming movement of air along the earth’s surface towards the equator.
- The largest reserves of fresh water on the Earth’s surface are in North America.
- Rain clouds are called Nimbostratus.
- A light year is 46 trillion kilometers
- On the banks of river Thames is the city of London located
- Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula.
- Through Nepal the Tropic of Cancer does not pass through.
- Armenia does not border the Caspian Sea.
- Coral reefs are formed by Tiny colonial marine animals which construct limestone skeleton material.
- The direction of ocean currents is reversed with season in the Indian Ocean.
- Sargasso Sea is without a coastline.
- Budapest River is in Danube.
- Baghdad River is in Tigris.
- Amsterdam River is in Amsel.
- Green Land is situated geographically in America but politically is a part of Europe.
- The “Horn of Africa” includes Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Somalia.
- The concept of heartland was given by Mackinder.
- Bio-community is used for several individuals of a species living together in a locality.
- The first irrigated forest in Pakistan Changa Manga was established in 1866.
- Korea Bay lies in yellow sea.
- Red Indians are the original inhabitants of North American.
- Libya does not belong to Asia.
- The most dangerous consequence of excessive deforestation is soil erosion.
- The largest source of pollution in the world is sewage and garbage.
- Greenhouse effect’ means trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric carbon dioxide.
- The maximum fixation of solar energy is done by green plants.
- Speleology is the scientific study of Caves.
- The Rhine Valley is a rift valley.
- Broad-leaved forests which account for most of the total forest area in the world.
- South Africa is the largest exporter of Gold.
- Atmospheric pressure at sea level is 760 mm.
- Ruhr coal field is situated in Germany.
- Area that lies between the Tropic of cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn is Torrid Zone.
- The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere remains relatively constant because oxygen is given off by plants.
- Nitrogen fixing bacteria present in the root photolytic.
- Carbon dioxide not found free in air.
- A microscopic organism playing a vital role in nitrogen cycle is bacteria.
- Hydrogen fuel causes minimum environmental pollution.
- When Sulphur dioxide increases in atmosphere, the most suitable pollution indicators are moss & lichens.
- The main factor which determines the balance of nature is human activities.
- Life appeared about 3.6 billion years ago.
- Genetic variation arises by recombination, mutation, and chromosomal aberrations.
- The nearest relatives of man are Apes.
- The number of Central Asian Republics (CARs) is Five.
- The oldest evolutionary history was discovered in Frog.
- The chief feature of the Moon is Craters.
- The organs which re morphologically din but perform the same function are called Analogous organs.
- Life is absent on moon due to lack of water.
- Louis Pasteur first discarded the theory of spontaneous creation and gave that me originates from pre-existing life.
- Coacervates were first formed.
- To prove the chemosynthetic theory of origin of life, Miller conducted an experiment in which he synthesized Amino acids.
- Vermiform appendix is vestigial in man due to cooking habit.
- Prehistoric record shows that colored rock Cro-Magnon man.
- Weismann proposed the Germ Plasma Theory.
- The age of reptiles was Mesozoic era.
- Hugo de Vries proposed the mutation theory of evolution.
- The cloud of cosmic dust and gases from which the entire solar system is believed to be formed by condensation is called Yiem.
- Carbon dioxide is not believed to be one of the gases present on the primitive earth.
- Archaeopteryx, which provides a connecting link between reptiles and birds, is a fossil of Jurassic period.
- The phylogeny of horse started with the fox sized animal having longer head, short legs, four toes on each front foot and three toes on each hind foot. This was named as Eohippus
- Mesozoic is known as the ‘Golden Age of Reptiles’ due to the dominance of dinosaurs over all possible habitats on Earth.
- Suez Canal joins Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea.
- Winters are more severe in Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere Because of more iceberg activity in Southern Hemisphere.
- If Rai Shaher Yar going from Vancouver lo Tokyo crosses the International Date Line on Saturday, it will be the Sunday for him at Tokyo.
- A one-day Cricket match between Pakistan and England starts at 10.00 A.M. in London. The direct telecast of the match will begin in Pakistan at 3.00 P.M.
- In 24 time zones world is divided.
- The Caspian Sea, the largest inland sea or lake in the world, is located Partly in Europe and partly in Asia.
- Russia has the largest area in the world.
- Yemen is not an African country.
- Gibraltar is a dependency of Britain.
- Belgium is not a Scandinavian country.
- Afghanistan has the common boundary with Iran, Pakistan, China, and Tajikistan.
- A mass of ice originating in mountains in snowfields above the snowline is called Glaciers.
- The place of Persepolis in Iran was destroyed in 331 B.C. by Alexander the Great.
- Israel has constructed a concrete wall to divide the Palestinians in Gaza Strip.

- Slovakia is located in east central Europe.
- Russia stretches from East Europe across North Asia to the Pacific Ocean.
- Location of Slovenia is Southeast Europe.
- Germany is located in Central Europe.
- Ethiopia is located in East Africa.
- Estonia is located in East Europe.
- Azerbaijan is located in Central Asia.
- Israel is located in end of Mediterranean Sea.
- Hungary is located in Central Europe.
- On the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea in Southwestern Asia, Lebanon is located.
- Kazakhstan is located in Central Asia.
- Kuwait is located in the end of Persian Gulf.
- North Korea is located in Northeast Asia.
- Luxembourg is located in Western Europe.
- Lithuania is located in Eastern Europe.
- Libya is located in North Africa.
- Malaysia is located on the southeast tip of Asia.
- Country that is located in Southeast Europe is Macedonia.
- Netherlands is located in Northwest Europe.
- Nepal is located in South Asia.
- Myanmar is located between South and Southeast Asia.
- Mexico is located in North America.
- Nigeria situated on the south coast of West Africa.
- Niger is located in North Africa.
- Nicaragua is located in Central America.
- Norway’s location is West part of Scandinavian Peninsula in Northwest Europe.
- Singapore is located in Southeast Asia.
- Somalia occupies the eastern horn of Africa.
- Switzerland is located in Central Europe.
- Turkey is located in Asia and Europe.
- Uganda is located in East Central Africa.
- Turkmenistan is located in Central Asia.
- United Arab Emirate is located in Middle East.
- In East of Europe Ukraine is located.
- UAE comprises of how 7 states.
- Red sea, Arabian sea and Persian Gulf is situated in Arabian Peninsula.
- Saudi Arabia is situated in Arabia Peninsula.
- Arabian Peninsula covers the area of 3,009,600 sq. km.
- Red Sea is situated between Arabia and Africa.
- New Zealand is situated in Oceania.
- Balkan Peninsula is situated in Southeast Europe.
- Adriatic and Aegean seas fall in Balkan Peninsula.
- Yellow Sea is situated in North of Atlantic.
- Syria is located in the “Levant” region.
- Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg are included in “Benelux”.
- Aral Sea is located in Central Asia.
- Antarctica is situated in South Pole.
- Mexico is situated in North America.
- London is situated by the side of which river Thames.
- Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are situated in Central Asia.
- Central Asian Republics (CARs) got independence in 1991.
- Kenya is situated in East Africa.
- Kosovo is situated in Eastern Europe.
- Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia are located in Eastern Hemisphere.
- Countries included in the region of “Eurasia” are Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan.
- Taiwan is situated in Far East.
- Indonesia is situated in Southeast Asia.
- Coastline of Persian Gulf is shared by the Gulf States.
- Indochina is located in Asia.
- Latin America is situated in Western Hemisphere
- West Indies is situated in Latin America.
- “Melanesia” is the name of Islands located in Western Pacific.
- Micronesia is the name is given to Island groups in the west pacific.
- Jordan is situated in Middle East.
- Middle East region lies between Asia and Africa.
- Egypt is situated in North Africa.
- Syria is situated in Middle East.
- Austria is located in Central Europe.
- Libya is situated in North Africa.
- Canada is located in North America.
- UK is located in Northern Europe.
- France is located in Western Europe.
- Turkey is situated in Asia & Europe.
- Switzerland is located in Central Europe.
- Afghanistan is situated in South & Central Asia.
- Malaysia is situated in East Asia.
- Scandinavia is located in Northwest Europe
- Norway, Sweden, Denmark is located in Scandinavian Peninsula.
- Brazil is situated in South America.
- Zimbabwe is situated in Southern Africa.
- Bangladesh is located in South Asia.
- Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam are situated in Southeast Asia.
- Bosnia and Herzegovina is situated in Southern Europe.
- Mauritius is situated in South Africa.
- Gibraltar is situated in Southern Europe.
- Germany is located in Western Europe.
- Sweden is situated in Northern Europe.
- Norway is situated in Europe.
- Poland is situated in Central Europe.
- Portugal is situated in Southern Europe.
- Canada is located in North America.
- Bolivia is located in West Central South America.
- Bulgaria is located in Southeast Europe.
- Colombia is situated in South America.
- London is 3,500 miles away from New York.
- Congo Republic is situated at West Central Africa.
- Croatia is located Southeast Europe.
- Cyprus is situated on the shore of Mediterranean Sea.
- Land lock country located in east central Europe is Czech Republic.
- Ecuador is located in NW South America.
- Georgia is located in West Asia.
- Indonesia is located in Southeast Asia.
- Iran is located between the Middle East and South Asia.
- Iraq is located in Middle East.
- Italy is located in South Europe.
- Jordan is located in southwestern Asia.
- Latvia is located on the Baltic Sea.
- Morocco is located on NW coast of Africa.
- Oman is situated on Southeast coast of Arabian Peninsula.
- Pakistan is located in South Asia.
- Qatar is occupying Peninsula on West coast of Persian Gulf.
- In Southeast Europe, on the Black Sea, Romania is located
- Yemen is located in Middle East on the south coast of the Arabian Peninsula.
- Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia, with an area of 331,690 sq. km.
- United Kingdom (UK) is located in Northwest coast of Europe.
- Belgium is located in Western Europe.
- Albania is located in Southern East Europe,
- Democratic Republic of Algeria is located in Western North Africa.
- Bosnia and Herzegovina are located on Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe.
- Bhutan is located in South Asia.
- Belgium is not a Scandinavian country.
- Poland is not a Scandinavian country.
- Denmark, Sweden, and Norway are among the Scandinavian region countries.
- Yemen is separated from Ethiopia by the Red Sea.
- Russia has the largest area in the world.
- Total area of Australia is 7,891,000 sq. km.
- A condominium is a particular territory over which joint dominion is exercised by two or more external powers.
- Eiffel Tower is located in Paris.
- Peru is a country of South America.
- Crimea is an independent state in the South of Ukraine.
- Henry Morton Stanley found David Livingstone in 1871 on the shore of Lake Tanganyika in the town of Ujiji. Ujiji is located in Tanzania.
- Pakistan is located in the tropic zone of North.
- Pakistan lies in Temperate zone.
- Pakistan is situated at Tropic of Cancer.
- The Equator, the Tropic of Cancer, the Tropic of Capricorn, all run through the continent of Africa.
- Japan is located in Asia.
- Japan is situated in Far East Asia.
- ‘Middle East’ group of countries includes West Asian countries.
- Estonia is a Baltic State.
- Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (Baltic States) are situated in Europe.
- Cuba is located in the Caribbean Westernmost of West Indies.’
- Cuba is located in South America.

- The mass of water vapor in each volume of air is called Absolute humidity.
- Absolute Zero is a Temperature of -273.15° Celsius.
- The normal pH of precipitation (rain) is 5.6.
- Rain with a pH less than 5.6 is called Acid Rain.
- Albedo is Reflectivity of a surface.
- Small glacier that occupies a U-shaped valley on a mountain is Alpine Glacier.
- Vertical distance above sea-level is Altitude.
- Mechanical instrument used to measure wind speed is Anemometer.
- A group of islands that have an arc shaped distribution is Archipelago.
- A system that measures direction clockwise from North over 360° is Azimuth.
- A large mass of subsurface intrusive igneous rock that has its origins from mantle magma is Batholith.
- A body of sheltered water found in a crescent shaped coastal configuration of land is Bay.
- A system that measures in reference to the cardinal points of a compass in 90-degree quadrants is bearing.
- Descriptive system that determines wind speed by noting the effect of the wind on the environment is Beaufort Wind Scale.
- A large circular depression in a volcano is Caldera.
- Steep-sided valley where depth is considerably greater than width. These features are the result of stream erosion are Canyon.
- Field of knowledge that studies map construction is Cartography.
- Geologic era that occurred from 65 million years ago to today is Cenozoic.
- The name of a North American wind that occurs on the leeward side of mountains. This wind is warm and has a low humidity is Chinook Wind.
- Glacially eroded rock basin found on mountains. Most alpine glaciers originate from a cirque is Cirque.
- Line on a topographic map that connects all points with the same elevation is Contour.
- A type of mass movement where there is a downslope flow of a saturated mass of soil, sediment, and rock debris is Debris Flow.
- Process where wind erosion creates blowout depressions or deflation hollows by removing and transporting sediment and soil is Deflation.
- Shed tissues, dead body parts, and waste products of organisms. In most ecosystems detritus accumulates at the soil surface and other types of surface sediments are Detritus.
- Geologic period that occurred roughly 360 to 408 million years ago. During this period, the first amphibians and trees appear is Devonian.
- A boundary the separates dry and moist air in the warm sector of a mid-latitude cyclone wave. Found ahead of the cold front is Dry Line.
- Thin vertical veins of igneous rock that form when magma enters and cools in fractures found within the crust is Dyke.
- A localized chaotic movement of air or liquid in a generally uniform larger flow is Eddy.
- Name given to the occasional development of warm ocean surface waters along the coast of Ecuador and Peru is El Nino.
- Lines drawn parallel to the equator are called Latitudes.
- Type of vegetation that gets its physical support from the branches of other plants. Commonly found in the tropical forests is Epiphyte.
- Geologic time unit that is shorter than a period is Epoch.
- Location on the Earth that has latitude of O0 is Equator.
- Two days during the year when the declination of the Sun is at the equator is called Equinox.
- A region in a desert where sand is very abundant is called Erg Desert.
- Long twisting ridges of sand and gravel found on the Earth’s surface. Created when the deposits of subsurface glacial streams are placed on the ground after glacial melting is called Esker.
- Area in the center of a hurricane that is devoid of clouds is Eye.
- Three-dimensional atmospheric circulation cell located at roughly 30 to 60° North and South of the equator is called Ferrell Cell.
- A glacial valley or glacial trough found along the coast that is now filled with a mixture of fresh water and seawater is called Fjord.
- Deposition of ice at the Earth’s surface because of atmospheric cooling is Frost.
- The science that measures the surface features of the Earth is Geodesy.
- True shape of the Earth is Geoid.
- Greenhouse Gases are responsible for the greenhouse effect. These gases include Carbon dioxide (CO2). Methane (CH4). nitrous oxide(N2O), Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and tropospheric ozone (O3).
- A very flat desert area of exposed bedrock is called Hamada.
- Pyramidal peak that forms when several cirques erode a mountain from three or more sides is called Horn.
- A fault that is produced when two reverse faults cause a block of rock to be push up is called Horst Fault.
- A general term used to describe the amount of water vapor found in the atmosphere is called Humidity.
- An instrument for measuring atmospheric humidity is Hygrometer.
- A German term used to describe a steep sided hill composed of rock that rises from a pediplain is Inselberg.
- Period during an ice age when glaciers retreated because of milder temperatures is Interglacial.
- Lines on a map joining points of equal atmospheric pressure are Isobar.
- Lines on a map joining points of equal value are Isoline.
- Lines on a map joining points of equal temperature are Isotherm.
- A type of clay that is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions. It is produced from the weathering of granite is Kaolinite.
- Landform type with limestone bedrock and dominated by geomorphic features created from solution chemical weathering is Karst.
- Distance that light travels in the vacuum of space in one year. Approximately 9.7 trillion kilometers is a Light Year.
- Lignite is a low-grade coal. It is also called Brown coal.
- Process by which sediments are consolidated into sedimentary rock is called Lithification.
- The sediment that is transported by waves and currents through beach drift and alongshore drifts along coastal areas is called Littoral Drift.
- The zone along a coastline that is between the high and low-water spring tide marks is called Littoral Zone.
- A tongue-like extension of some material. For example, the ice lobe of an alpine glacier is Lobe.
- Longitude is a west-east measurement of position on the Earth. It is defined by the angle measured from a vertical plane running through the polar axis and the prime meridian is Longitude.
- Meteorological instrument used to measure potential and actual evapotranspiration is Lysimeter
- Zone that surrounds the Earth that is influenced by the Earth’s magnetic field is Magnetosphere.
- Layer of the Earth’s interior composed of mostly solid rock that extends from the base of crust to a depth of about 2,900 kilometers is called Mantle.
- Sinuous shaped stream channel. Usually found in streams flowing over a very shallow elevation grade is Meander.
- A scale for rating the power of an earthquake is Mercalli Scale.
- A circular arc that meets at the poles and connects all places of the same longitude is called Meridian.
- Location in the Northern Hemisphere where the lines of force from Earth’s magnetic field are vertical. This point on the Earth gradual changes its position with time is North Magnetic Pole.
- Surface location defined by the intersection of the polar axis with Earth’s surface in the Northern Hemisphere. This location has a latitude of 90° north and is denoted by North Pole.
- Atmospheric concentration of ozone found at an altitude of 10 to 50 kilometers above the Earth’s surface. This layer is important to life – on the Earth because ozone absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation is called Ozone Layer.
- A mound of peat that develops as the result of • the formation of several ice lenses beneath the ground surface is Palsa.
- Theory suggesting that the Earth’s surface is composed of several oceanic and continental plates is Plate Tectonics.
- A dry lakebed found in a desert is Playa.
- 75. It is defined as the force acting on a surface from another mass per unit area is called a Pressure.
- The ‘Water table’ refers to the upper limit of the zone of saturation.
- General name for an instrument used to measure radiation over a specific wavelength range is Radiometer.
- Instrument that measures the rain that falls at a location over a period is Rain Gauge.
- A ridge of rocks found in the tidal zone along a coastline. One common type of reef is the coral reef and is termed as Reef.
- The ratio between the actual amounts of water vapor held in the atmosphere compared to the amount required for saturation is called Relative Humidity
- Spectacular narrow waterfalls that occur at the edge of a hanging valley are called Ribbon Falls.
- A logarithmic measurement scale of earthquake magnitude. This scale measures the energy released by the largest seismic wave associated with the earthquake is called Richter scale.
- Bar deposit found on the bed of streams is Riffle.
- High pressure system that develops in winter over northern central Asia is Siberian High.
- Time it takes to complete one Earth rotation relative to the position of a fixed star. This measurement takes 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.09 seconds is Sidereal Day.
- Mineral particle with a size between 0.004 and 0.06 millimeters in diameter is Silt.
- Time required for the Earth to complete one rotation relative to the Sun is Solar Day.
- Reversal of atmospheric circulation in tropical Pacific Ocean that triggers the development of an El Nino is Southern Oscillation.
- Surface location defined by the intersection of the polar axis with Earth’s surface in the Southern Hemisphere is South Pole.
- A band of thunderstorm development found ahead of a cold front is Squall Line.
- A fold in rock layers that forms a trough-like bend is Syncline.
- Name for a katabatic type of cold wind that occurs in Alaska is Taku.
- An extensive layer of lithosphere that moves as a discrete unit on the surface of the Earth’s asthenosphere is Tectonic Plate.
- Physical, chemical, or biological breakdown of rocks and minerals into smaller sized particles is known as Weathering.
- A mechanical device used to measure the direction of wind flow is called Wind Vane.
- Rock that has developed a streamline form because of wind erosion is called Yardang.
- Humidity in air decreases with increase in atmospheric temperature.
- Places experiencing equal impact of an earthquake are called Seismic lines.
- Surface location of an earthquake’s focus is Epicenter.
- Main causes of earthquakes are Volcanic activities, Tectonic plates’ movement, and Tectonic dislocation.
- The location from which meridians of longitude are measured has the measure of 00 of longitude. The Prime Meridian was selected by international agreement to run through Greenwich, England is Prime Meridian.
- The imaginary line of zero degree longitude which passes through Greenwich is called Meridian.

- The largest continent by area is Asia.
- The area of continent Asia is 44, 390, 959 km2.
- The highest point in Asia is Everest.
- The lowest point in Asia is Dead Sea.
- The maximum elevation of continent Asia is 8,850 m.
- Russia is located on the northern part Asia.
- Africa is the second largest continent of the world.
- Africa covers the total area of land is 22%.
- There are 54 nations in Africa.
- River Nile is the world’s longest river flows in Africa.
- The total area of continent Europe is 10, 354, 590 km2.
- Europe continent has the lowest population growth rate.
- Greenland is the largest island in the world situated in North America.
- The mountain range that is in North America is Appalachians.
- Mount McKinley in Alaska is the highest point of North America.
- Death Valley, California is the lowest point in North America 86 m below the sea level.
- The total area of South America is 17, 820, 950 km2
- Isthmus of Panama joins the Central and North America.
- South America is the fourth largest continent.
- Antarctica is the uninhabited continent.
- The total area of Antarctica continent is 12,393,000 km2.
- 95% of the surface of Antarctica is covered with ice.
- Australia is the smallest continent of the world area-wise.
- The area of continent Australia is 7,686,810 km2
- 25. Australia continent has a lowest population density.
- Europe continent does not contain a desert.
- North American continent is located near Arctic Ocean to the tropical Yucat Peninsula.
- Antarctic is the ice covered continent.
- Asia covered the approximate29.5% of world’s land.
- The lowest point in Africa below sea level is Lake Assal.
- The highest point in Africa is Mt Kilimanjaro.
- North America covered the approximate 16.3% of world’s land.
- The lowest point in North America below sea is Death Valley.
- Antarctica continent covered approximate 9.6% of world’s land.
- Europe covered approximate 6.2% of world’s land.
- The highest point in Europe is Mt Elbrus.
- The lowest point below sea level in Europe is Caspian Sea.
- The area covered by Australia is 5.2%.
- Asia is the largest continent population wise.
- The longest mountain range is in South America.
- The largest and highest mountain range is in Asia.
- Identify the highest mountain range Himalaya Karakoram.
- In which continent there is no glacier Africa.
- The least populous continent is Antarctica.
- Jinnah station was established in Antarctica continent on January 25, 1991.
- On January 15, 1991, Pakistan’s first expedition land on Antarctica.
- Under the continental division of the world Brazil is situated in South America.
- Pakistan is situated in Asia.
- Africa is called a Dark Continent.

- Plateaus situated in between plains and mountains are called Piedmont plateaus.
- The ‘Roof of the World’ is the Pamir Plateau.
- Cuesta is a plateau.
- Deccan plateau is in India.
- Valdai Plateau is the source of Volga River.
- The highest plateau of the world is Pamir Plateau (Tibet).
- Valdai Plateau is located in Russia.
- The “Roof of the world” the Pamir Plateau is located Tibet (China).
- Sahara is located in Northern Plateau that occupies more than one quarter of Africa’s land.
- Effie Plateau is situated in Paraguay.

- Stripka is a Mountain Pass of Bulgaria
- Brenner is a mountain pass (4508 ft high) situated in Italy-Austria.
- Khyber Pass situated in Suleiman range of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan) which connects Peshawar with Kabul is at the height of 3370 ft. Its length is 53 km.
- Khyber Pass is 53 km long.
- The height of Khyber Pass is 3,510 ft.
- Longest glacier of the world is Lambert situated in Antarctica; its length is 320 miles.
- Fair weather glacier is situated in Alaska.
- Height of Babusar Pass is 13,600 feet.
- Alpine Pass is in USA.
- Khojak Pass is situated in Pakistan.
- The “Shandur Pass” at the height of 12,205 feet connects Chitral and Gilgit.
- Height of Shandur Pass is 12,500 feet.
- Height of Lowari Pass is 10,500 feet.
- Montekao Pass is in Chile.
- Bodpola is the highest mountain pass of the world with the height of 19412 ft situated in Tibet (China)
- Great St. Bernard is a mountain pass situated in Italy-Switzerland.
- The second highest pass in world situated in Myanmar with the height of 15300 ft is Namni pass.
- Lowari Pass connects Dir with Chitral.
- Donner is in USA.
- Col de Restefond is a mountain pass situated in France.
- Height of Donner Pass is 7,088 feet.
- Baroghil pass is situated in Hindukhush range.
- Total length of Khyber Pass is 56 km.
- Kolpur is located in Baluchistan.
- Height of Kolpur Pass is 5,874 feet.
- The ‘Babusar Pass’ connects Abbottabad and Gilgit.
- Baroghil Pass connects Chitral with Wahkan.
- Muztagh Pass connects Baltistan and Yarkand (China).
- The highest Pass of Pakistan is Muztagh Pass.
- Tochi Pass connects Bannu (Pakistan) and Ghazni (Afghanistan).
- Dargai Pass connects Mardan with Malakand.
- Khyber Pass connects Peshawar with Afghanistan.
- ‘Khyber Pass’ connects Peshawar with Kabul.
- Bolan Pass in the province of Balochistan.
- Khyber Pass is situated in Sulaiman Range.
- Khyber Pass lies in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa.
- The Karakoram Highway links China and Pakistan through Khunjrab Pass.
- The Lowar Pass connects Peshawar with Chitral.
- Khunjarab Pass links Pakistan and China via Silk Route.
- Malakand Pass connects Peshawar with Chitral.
- Bolan Pass connects the Jacobabad and Sibi with Quetta.
- Simplon is a Mountain Pass situated in Italy Switzerland.
- The Prime Meridian passes through Britain.
- Lawari Pass connects Dir and Chitral
- Khojak Pass is located between Quetta and Chaman.
- Bolan Pass is situated in Toba Kakar Range.
- Wakhan separate Pakistan from Tajikistan.
- Gomal Pass connects Dera Ismail Khan with Ghazni (Afghanistan).
- Broghol Pass connects Chitral with Wahkan.
- The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is known as Durand Line.
For further reading click here Part 1-2 Click here Part 3-4
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