SCHOOL COUNCIL POLICY 2007 amended 2008
The Government of Punjab has initiated a comprehensive Punjab Education Sector Reforms Programmed for the provision of education facilities and improvement of quality education. Under the program, a comprehensive policy has been prepared to effectively run the affairs of the School Councils comprising teachers, parents, and the notables of the local community. The Policy would enable the school council members to perform their duties diligently.
 The School Council Policy is based on following four parts: –
- The School Council Formation
- The Duties/Responsibilities of School Council
- The Procedure for transfer of Government Funds to School Council
- Monitoring of School Council
The School Council Formation
3-School Council Membership
3.1.1 The School Council shall comprise a minimum of seven (7) and a maximum of fifteen (15) members. The total strength of the School Council has essentially to be in odd number.
3.1.2 The School Council shall comprise members from following three categories:
- Parent Member
- Teacher Member
- General Member
3.1.3 The Parent Members shall constitute more than 50 % of the total membership of the School Council. There will be only one seat reserved for the Teacher Member and rest of all seats shall be filled from the General Memberâs category.
3.1.4 Parent MembersÂ
The parents whose children are enrolled in the school come under this category. Only mothers can become Parent Members in the girlsâ schools, whereas in the boysâ schools either the mother or the father of the student may become the Parent Member of the school council.
3.1.5 Teacher Member
The Teacher Member means the head teacher, i.e., the one who by virtue of his posting shall not only be a member but would also be the Chairperson of the School Council. The head teacher shall also be the Signatory of School Councilâs account.
3.1.6 General Member
General Member means the members from amongst the notables of the local community or from the parents of ex-students of school willing to extend their services for the betterment of the school. The membership under this category in boysâ schools may be from either gender but female General Members shall be preferred in Girlsâ schools. However, if deemed necessary a maximum of two males can become General Members in girlsâ schools.
3.2 Reconstitution of School Council
3.2.1 The School Council shall be reconstituted in a general body meeting of stakeholders. The Assistant Education Officer (AEO) concerned shall inform all the stakeholders about the meeting through the head teacher, at least three days in advance of the date of the meeting. The stakeholders for the purpose of general body meeting have been identified as under:
- Assistant Education Officer (AEO)
- Head Teacher of the school
- Parents of the students enrolled in the school iv. Notables of the local community
3.2.2 The General Body Meeting shall be presided by the concerned Assistant Education Officer (AEO). The AEO shall apprise the participants of the meeting about objectives and the benefits of the meeting. Later, the persons willing to become the members of the School Council shall be identified.
3.2.3 If the candidates in a particular category exceed the maximum limit reserved for that category, the membership of the school council shall be decided based on election.
3.2.4 If the number of candidates for any category are lesser or are equal to the number earmarked for that category, the participants of the general body meeting shall be provided with an opportunity to express their objection/s against the selection of any member of any category. If any objection/s against any member of any category is raised, his/her membership shall be decided based on election.
3.2.5 The right of vote in the above-mentioned election shall be restricted to one of the parents of the student at school, present in the general body meeting i.e. either the father or the mother. The notables of the local community, head teacher and the AEO shall not have the right of vote in this election. However, if the votes
for two contestants of any category are equal, the AEO shall have the right of vote and his/her vote shall be decisive.
3.2.6 The Assistant Education Officer (AEO) can opt for one of the following modes of election:
- The present parents to caste vote by raising hands
- The present parents to caste vote through ballot paper
3.2.7 The AEO shall announce the names of the School Council members on the spot after their election in accordance with the above-mentioned procedure.
3.2.8 The newly elected members of the school council shall elect the Co-Chairman/Co-signatory of the school council through simple majority. The Cochairman/Co-signatory of the school council has essentially to be from the Parent Member category.
3.3 Procedure for Notification of School Council
3.3.1 The Assistant Education Officer (AEO) shall record the proceedings of the General Body Meeting. The AEO shall notify the School Council on the prescribed âForm No.1â. The notification is to be issued on the spot in the general body meeting in the same date.
3.3.2 The School Council shall be constituted for a period of two years from the date of above-mentioned notification.
3.3.3 A copy of the record of proceedings of the general body meeting of the School Council and the issued Notification shall be sent to the Deputy District Education Officer (Deputy District Education Officer) for information and record. A copy of the stated Notification is also to be sent to the Executive District Officer (Education) i.e., EDO (E) and concerned Bank Manager for information.
3.4 Procedure to Change the Membership of School Council
3.4.1 The membership of the School Council can be changed based on following reasons:
- Death of a memberÂ
- The shifting of a member to any other place where he/she would be unable to perform his/her duties as a school council member
- Voluntary withdrawal from the membership by any member
- The Parent Memberâs ineligibility i.e., when his/her child is no longer a student in the school
- The transfer or retirement of the head teacher
3.4.2 The head teacher/Chairperson or the Co-Chairperson of the school council, based on any of the above-mentioned reasons, shall apply to the Assistant
Education Officer for the change in the membership of the School Council. The seats falling vacant shall be filled within 20 days of the receipt of stated written application to the AEO in accordance with the procedure laid down in para 3.2. The Notification of the School Council shall also be issued again on the prescribed âForm No.1â. However, this change in the membership of the School Council shall not affect the Two Yearsâ time for which the School Council was formed from the date of its first notification.
3.5 Procedure for Cancellation of the membership of the School Council
3.5.1 The School Council may, except for the head teacher, cancel the membership of any member of the School Council, by two third majority based on following reasons:
- Dissatisfactory Performance
- Lack of interest in School Council affairs like absence from three consecutive monthly meetings of the School Council
- To create hurdles/obstacles in the affairs of School Council iv. Misappropriate/embezzle the School Council Funds
v. Any other reason which the members of the School Council deem suitable/appropriate
3.5.2 The Chairperson/Co-Chairperson shall inform the AEO in writing about the meeting for the cancellation of the membership of the School Council. The presence of the concerned AEO in this meeting is mandatory. The reasons for the cancellation of the membership of said member shall be stated. The effected member shall have the right to present his/her defense. The decision regarding the cancellation of the membership shall be made through election. The AEO and the affected member shall not have the right of vote in this election.
3.5.3 The AEO shall record the proceedings of the session and, shall issue notification on âForm No.2â on the spot during the meeting, in case of cancellation of the membership. The copy of the proceedings of this session and notification shall be sent to the Deputy District Education Officer (Deputy District Education Officer) for information.
3.5.4 The member whose membership has been cancelled shall also be informed in writing about cancellation of his/her membership.
3.5.5 If the School Council is dissatisfied with the performance of the head teacher i.e., the Chairperson of the School Council and desire to change the Chairperson, the Co-Chairperson shall inform the AEO about the date of the meeting of the School Council, scheduled for the purpose. The presence of the AEO in this meeting of the School Council is mandatory. The Co-Chairperson shall announce the reasons for the cancellation of the membership of the Chairperson of the School Council. The head teacher/Chairperson shall have the right to defend his/her position. The initiation of the case for the cancellation of the membership of the Chairperson shall be made based on election. The AEO
and head Teacher shall not have the right of vote in this election. If the School Council passes the resolution by two third majority to cancel the membership of the Head Teacher, the AEO shall record the proceedings of the session of the School Council and send a copy of the proceedings of this session to the EDO (E) for decision with a copy to the concerned Deputy District Education Officer (Deputy District Education Officer) for information and record. The EDO (Education) may order an Inquiry to an officer not below the rank of Deputy District Education Officer to be completed within 15 days of the receipt of the resolution of the School Council. The EDO Education may or may not initiate action against the head teacher based on the Inquiry. The decision of the EDO Education shall be final and binding on the school council.
3.5.6 The School Council member whose membership has been cancelled shall not be eligible to again become the member of the School Council for one year.
3.5.7 The seats falling vacant because of the cancellation of the members of the School Council (except the head teacher) shall be filled strictly in accordance with the procedure given in para 3.2 of School Council Policy. The notification of the School Council shall however be issued afresh on âForm No.1â. The change of head teacher/Chairperson through transfer/posting of new incumbent by the EDO Education shall also require the fresh notification of School Council on âForm No.1â. Any cancellation in the membership of the School Council shall not affect the Two Yearâs fixed duration/term of School Council from the date of its first notification.
3.5.8 If anybody has complaints regarding the general working of the School Council, he/she may bring it into the notice of EDO Education in writing. The EDO Education if deems appropriate may order for an Inquiry. The Inquiry Officer shall not be below the rank of Deputy District Education Officer (Deputy District Education Officer). The Inquiry Officer shall be bound to complete Inquiry proceedings within a time of 15 days from the date of assignment of Inquiry. The EDO Education shall personally decide to initiate or not to initiate the action based on Inquiry. The EDO Education is empowered to dissolve the School Council based on the Inquiry. The decision of the EDO Education shall be final and shall not be appealable at any other forum or before any court of law.
3.5.9 In case of dissolution of the School Council, the EDO Education shall issue a notification accordingly. The new School Council shall be constituted within thirty (30) days of its dissolution in accordance with the procedure given in para
3.2 of the School Council Policy.
4-Duties/Responsibilities of School Council
4.1 The School Council shall perform following duties/responsibilities. The School Council shall:
- monitor the attendance of teaching and non-teaching staff and to report the concerned Assistant Education Officer (AEO) or Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant (MEA) in case of consecutive/long absenteeism.
- strive increase the Enrollment and decrease the drop out tendency in the school
- apprise parents about the importance of education to impress upon them to get their children enrolled in the school
- persuade and assist the school administration in convening extracurricular activities in the school such as Parent Teacher Meeting, Cleanliness Day, Literacy Day, Awareness about Education Campaign etc.
- take measures and decide for the protection of rights of the students and the teachers to eliminate the physical punishment practices in the school
- supervise and assist appropriately in the provision of Free Textbooks and the distribution of quarterly Scholarship amongst the girls.
- take necessary steps to check unauthorized usage of school building and land and for ejection of all kinds of illegal possession from school premises.
- convene a minimum of one monthly meeting of the School Council so that there are at least ten (10) meetings of the School Council in a year (excluding the time for summer vacations).
- plan, execute and accomplish the school development plan i.e., the School Based Action Plan (SBAP).
- spend the School Council funds (i.e., School Council Funds and Farogh-e-Taleem Funds if not merged into one account till date) which have been received in the School Councilâs Bank Account from Government or any other source.
- maintain the financial record such as Cash Book, Receipts, Stock Register, Bank Account Statement etc. and the administrative record such as Notification of the School Council, Register for the Councilâs Session proceedings, School Based Action Plan etc.
4.2 Procedure to conduct School Council Meeting
4.2.1 The head teacher/Chairperson of the School Council shall send the âMeeting Noticeâ to all members.
4.2.2 The presence of head teacher/Chairperson is mandatory in every meeting of School Council.
4.2.3 The âMeeting Noticeâ must contain following information:
- The scheduled day and date of the meeting
- The time of the meeting iii) The venue of the meeting (i.e. the School) iv) Agenda of the Meeting
4.2.4 The quorum of the School Council meeting is two third of the total strength of the council. The meeting shall be postponed if the members of the School Council attending the meeting for any reason whatsoever, are short of the Quorum. The Chairperson shall fix a new date of meeting in consultation with members of the council and inform the absent members about the new date of the meeting accordingly.
4.2.5 The head teacher/Chairperson shall be bound to record the proceedings of the meeting and all the present members of the council shall sign the written abstract of proceedings.
4.2.6 All efforts shall be made to conduct the meeting as per the fixed Agenda. However, if the council deems any issue beyond the Agenda to be important or that of an urgent nature, that issue can also be brought under discussion by the School Council.
4.2.7 In case of difference of opinion among the School Council members on any issue, the decision shall be made based on simple majority.
4.2.8 The extra ordinary session of the School Council can be called by the head teacher/Chairman on the written request of at least one third of the total members of the Council. Under such circumstances the head teacher/Chairperson shall be bound to convene the School Councilâs meeting within three (3) days of the receipt of written request.
4.3 The School Councilâs Record/Documents
4.3.1 The School Council shall keep the record of the following affairs/activities:
- The record of School Council members on âForm No.3â (annexed with the policy)
- The âSchool Inspection Registerâ for the record of observations/recommendations of the members of school council. âForm No.4â is annexed with the policy.
- The proceedings of the School Councilâs session on âForm No.5â (annexed with the policy).
- The complete record of correspondence of School Council including official letters, Notification, Meeting Notices etc. The Head Teacher/Chairperson is authorized to correspond on behalf of School Council.
- The School Council development plans i.e., the School Based Action Plan on âForm No.6â (annexed with the policy).
- The resolutions passed by the School Council on âForm No.7â (annexed with the policy).
- The record of financial affairs of the School Council i.e., Cash Book as per âForm No.8â, Receipts, Bank Account Statement etc.
- The record of all moveable and immoveable articles in the school on the Stock Register.
- The record of curricular and extra-curricular activities performed in the school.
4.4 The School Based Action Plan (SBAP)/School Development Plan
4.4.1 The School Council shall identify and prioritize the basic needs of the school keeping in view the available resources to the council. The School Council may counsel with the local community in such prioritization. The School Council shall prepare the âSchool Based Action Plan (SBAP)â as per the âForm No.6â and the SBAP shall be signed by all members of the council.
4.4.2 A copy of the SBAP shall be sent to the concerned AEO for information. The AEO if having some reservation/objection to the SBAP shall inform the Chairperson in writing within seven (7) days of the receipt of SBAP. The AEO shall also copy his objection to the Deputy District Education Officer (Deputy District Education Officer) for information.
4.4.3 On receipt of AEOâs objection, the head teacher/Chairperson shall call a special meeting of the School Council. The attendance of the two third of total members of the council is mandatory in this meeting. If the majority members of the School Council sided with the objections of the AEO, the School Council shall approve the amended School Based Action Plan (SBAP) through a resolution and an amended SBAP shall be prepared on âForm No.6â. The copy of amended SBAP shall be sent to AEO and Deputy District Education Officer for information.
4.4.4 In case the School Council differs with the objections/recommendation of the AEO, the School Council shall reply the AEO with the reasons for such difference of opinion to be recorded in writing. A copy of this reply shall also be sent to the Deputy District Education Officer.
4.4.5 The Deputy District Education Officer (Deputy District Education Officer) shall visit the school within 15 days and meet with the School Council members to settle the difference of opinion. The decision of the Deputy District Education Officer shall be final and binding in this regard.
4.4.6 All members of the School Council shall supervise the development work/civil works being executed in the school. The members shall also monitor the quality and pace of work to ensure that work is completed within minimum time and cost without compromising on the quality of work.
4.4.7 The School Council development plans shall be executed as per the approved designs and specifications of the Government. If the SBAP includes any civil work for which technical guidance is required, the council shall write an âApplication for Technical Guidanceâ to the AEO or Deputy District Education Officer. The officer concerned shall be bound to provide the requested guidance/services to the council.
4.4.8 The School Council shall get the civil works done at market rate or below the market rate. The interest of the school shall be the consideration in this regard. On completion of civil works, a written report about the SBAP shall be sent to the Deputy District Education Officer.
4.5 School Council Bank Account
4.5.1 The School Councilâs Bank Account can be opened in any local branch of a commercial bank and in case of non-availability of the bank; the account can be opened in the local post office. If the School Council already has an operational account in any commercial bank or post office, then no new account of the council shall be opened.
4.5.2 The School Council shall have only one bank account. All the funds
provided/collected for the school i.e., the school council funds, Farogh-e-taleem Fund, amounts of donations etc. shall be deposited in the same bank account.
4.5.3 The School Council shall quarterly obtain the Bank Statement of its account from the bank or the post office.
4.5.4 The record of all amounts withdrawn or deposited in the bank account of school council shall be maintained on the Cash Book Form i.e. âForm No.8â.
4.5.5 If the School Council has not got its account opened in any bank or post office or the account has been closed for any reason whatsoever, the School Council shall open a new bank account as per the procedure given in the following para.
4.6 Procedure to open a Bank Account for School Council
4.6.1 After the issuance of the notification of the School Council, the members of the school council shall convene a meeting and a resolution shall be passed in this meeting to open an account for the School Council. The resolution shall contain the name and address of the nearby branch of the bank or the post office, where the Councilâs account is to be opened. In addition to this, the names, and the National Identity Card numbers of the Chairperson (Signatory) of the Council and the Co-Chairperson/Co-Signatory shall also be written in this resolution. A copy of this resolution along with the Notification shall be sent to the Deputy District Education Officer.
4.6.2 The Deputy District Education Officer shall accord approval of councilâs resolution for the opening of the bank account within five (5) days of its receipt. The Deputy District Education Officer shall send a copy of his approval to the concerned bank manager as well. On receipt of approval of
Deputy District Education Officer, it will be the responsibility of the Chairperson of the school council to contact the concerned bank/post office and to complete the required proceedings regarding opening of an account.
4.7 Procedure to change the Signatory and the Co-Signatory of the Account
4.7.1 The School Council shall inform the bank/post office and the Deputy District Education Officer in writing about any change in the Chairperson/Signatory or the Cochairperson/Co-Signatory.
4.7.2 In case of cancellation of the membership of the Chairperson, a copy of the cancellation shall be communicated on âForm No.2â to the Deputy District Education Officer. The Deputy District Education Officer shall certify this change and inform the concerned bank/post office about this change in writing.
4.7.3 In case of appointment of a new Chairperson, the notification on âForm No.1â shall be sent to Deputy District Education Officer and the concerned bank manager. It will subsequently be the responsibility of the new Chairman/Signatory and the CoChairperson/Co-Signatory to contact the concerned bank/post office to complete the necessary required proceedings.
4.8 The School Council Fundsâ Expenditure
4.8.1 The expenditures can be incurred from the School Councilâs bank account on following heads:
- Furniture, other objects, and their repair.
- The purchase of sports kit/goods
- Stationery
- The academic and teaching aids
- The repair and maintenance of school building Â
- The new construction in school such as classroom, latrine, boundary wall etc.
- Provision of water and electricity
- The payment of utility bills such as electricity, gas, telephone etc.
- The expenditures on temporary appointment of teachers can be incurred at a maximum rate of rupees 1500 per month per teacher. The school council, however, cannot engage more than two temporary teachers at one time.
4.8.2 Procedure for temporary appointment of teachers
The head teacher/Chairperson of the School Council shall convene the School Council meeting for the temporary appointment of teachers. The requirement of the temporary teachers shall be enunciated in the session and the decision of temporary appointment shall be made by simple majority of the council members. The rules and regulations governing the temporary appointment of teachers are as under:
- The minimum qualification for a temporary teacher is F.A.
- The candidate for the temporary teacher must have a computerized national identity card i.e., CNIC
- The candidate belonging to the local area shall be preferred.
- The maximum per month salary for a temporary teacher shall be Rs.1500/- per month.Â
- The temporary appointment shall be made for a maximum period of four months. If the School Council deems it necessary and has the requisite funds in the School Council account too, it may apply for the extension of the contract of temporary teacher to the EDO Education. The EDO Education is empowered to decide the extension in the contract of temporary teacher for a maximum period of four months. The EDO Education will try his/her best for appointment of regular teacher in the school within the extended contract period of temporary teacher to enable the School Council to expend on other essential necessities. The decision of EDO Education regarding extension in the contract of temporary teacher shall be final and binding.
i) The School Council may appoint temporary teacher as per âForm No.9â especially designed for âContract for Temporary Appointmentâ. The contract shall be signed by the head teacher/Chairperson, newly appointed teacher, and the Co-Chairperson.
ii)The newly appointed teacher shall not be eligible to become a member or Co-Chairperson of the School Council. If School Council intends to appoint any member of the school council as temporary teacher, the school council shall first cancel the membership of proposed member.
4.8.3 If School Council desires to make the expenditures in some new heads of expenditure beyond the above-mentioned heads of expenditures, the council shall only be eligible to do so after the written permission of the EDO Education. The School Council shall attach its approved resolution seeking permission of expenditure from the EDO Education along with the application. The EDO Education shall be empowered to accept or reject the application of the School Council. The decision of the EDO Education shall be final and binding for the council.
4.8.4 In case of approval of new heads of expenditure for the School Council, the copies of the decision of the EDO Education shall be sent to the concerned District Monitoring Officer (DMO) and PMIU-PESRP, Lahore.
4.9 Financial Procedure
4.9.1 The School Council funds shall be spent for the achievement of the above stated objectives. The School Council shall be authorized to spend up to a maximum of
four (4) lacks rupees in one financial year i.e. from July to June as per the notifications number IT(FD)3-13/2002 dated January 7, 2004 and January 29, 2005 (Annexure A), issued by the Finance Department.
4.9.2 All expenditures shall be incurred with the approval of the School Council.
4.9.3 In order to withdraw amount from the School Councilâs bank/postal account, the cheque shall be jointly signed by the Chairperson/Signatory and the CoChairperson/Co-Signatory of the council.
5-Procedure for the transfer of Government Funds to School Council
5.1 The District Governments shall earmark allocations for the School Councils of Mosque, Primary and Elementary Schools in their budget, as per the âTerms of Partnershipâ. The funds earmarked for the School Council shall be transferred in the EDO Educationâs budget.
5.2 The EDO Education shall collect certified lists of bank/postal account numbers of school councils of all mosques, primary and elementary schools of the district through the concerned Deputy District Education Officers.
5.3 The District Coordination Officer (DCO) shall accord approval for the release of school council funds. The EDO (Finance and Planning) shall issue a âSanction Letterâ after the approval of the DCO, in the name of District Accounts Officer. A copy of the âSanction Letterâ shall be sent to EDO Education.
5.4 On receipt of âSanction Letterâ from EDO (F & P), the EDO Education shall prepare a Bill of School Council Grant on âSimple Receipt Formâ and append with it the list of bank/postal account numbers and deposit it in the District Accounts Office (DAO).
5.5 The DAO shall deposit the Bill to the concerned bank (i.e., where the Account IV of the District Government exists). This bank shall transfer funds to the respective bank/postal accounts of the School Councils.
5.6 The EDO Education shall inform all the Deputy District Education Officers about the transfer of funds to school councils and subsequently the Deputy District Education Officers shall be bound to inform the school council about the transfer of funds.
The District Government shall be bound to complete the above stated complete
process as early as possible.
6-School Council Monitoring
The School Councils shall be monitored in the following ways:
6.1 Performance Evaluation
6.1.1 The performance of the school councils shall be evaluated in the light of procedures and processes devised by the Provincial Government and the District Government.
6.1.2 The MEAs shall check the performance of the school council as per the prescribed Performa on monthly basis.
6.1.3 During their routine monthly visits, the AEOs and the Deputy District Education Officers may check the record of the School Council to evaluate its performance. These officers can interact with the members of the School Council to counsel and assist in the solution of issues/problems hampering school development.
6.1.4 The DMOs may also check the record of the School Councils and if desired may interact with the members of the council as well.
6.2 Financial Monitoring
The EDO Education shall quarterly collect the bank statements of the school councils through Deputy District Education Officers to assess the utilization of funds by the councils.
6.3 Audit
6.3.1 The Financial Rules and the Purchase Procedures are not applicable on the expenditures of the School Council as has been explained para 6 and 7 of the Finance Departmentâs notification number IT(FD)3-13/2002 dated January 7, 2004(Annexure-A).
6.3.2 The detailed record of School Council accounts including the Receipts etc. can be inspected by the officers of the Education Department or any other autonomous institution appointed by the Government.
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