Persimmons, Japanese fruit (جاپانی پھل) or in English it is called persimmons. Persimmons looks very beautiful, and its shape is like tomato. Tomato is red in color, but Persimmons is orange in color. But it is very delicious to eat. Its pulp is very soft. And in terms of its qualities, it has become very popular among the Pakistani people, and everyone likes it.
This fruit is suitable for Pakistani climate that is why its cultivation is increasing day by day. Persimmons is a hot-tempered fruit so always eat it in moderation. And always eat ripe fruit. Raw fruit can be harmful. Persimmons contains vitamins A, vitamins B and C, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium. One hundred grams of fruit contains only 80 calories.
Physical benefits of Persimmons:
- Useful in muscle stiffness and pain from severe physical exertion.
- Helps to eliminate disorders in the large intestine.
- It keeps our system in order.
- Food is beneficial in heart disease.
- Controls sugar.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Is the cause of weight loss.
- This fruit heals intestinal ulcers.
- Reduces inflammation of the colon.
- Relieves constipation.
- Food is also useful in appendix disease.
- Eliminates gastrointestinal disorders.
- Eating this fruit is beneficial in back pain.
Use this fruit as directed by your doctor if you are using it as a medicine.
Vitamins it contains:
In fact, one persimmon (168 grams) contains: (RDI= Reference Daily Intake)
- Calories: 119
- Carbs: 32 grams
- Protein: 1 gram
- Fat: 0.4 grams
- Fiber: 7 grams
- Vitamin A: 56% of the RDI
- Vitamin C: 23% of the RDI
- Vitamin E: 5% of the RDI
- Vitamin K: 6% of the RDI
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 7% of the RDI
- Potassium: 7% of the RDI
- Copper: 8% of the RDI
- Manganese: 31% of the RDI
Good Source of Anti-Oxidants
Persimmons contain beneficial plant compounds with antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help prevent or delay cell damage by counteracting oxidative stress, a process triggered by unstable molecules called free radicals. Oxidative stress has been linked to certain chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. and neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Fortunately, eating foods rich in antioxidants like persimmons can help combat oxidative stress and lower the risk of certain chronic diseases. Persimmons is also rich in carotenoid antioxidants like beta-carotene, a pigment found in many brightly colored fruits and vegetables. Heart disease, lung cancer, colon cancer, and metabolic disease. In addition, a study of more than 37,000 people found that people with a high dietary intake of beta-carotene had a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Eating Persimmon
There are actually two main types of persimmon: astringent, often Called “hachiya” persimmon, and not astringent or “fuyu”. You need to know which one you are dealing with: While the non-astringent varieties can be consumed, firm and crunchy while barely ripe, the astringent varieties (rich, sweet, spicy) are wonderfully tart until fully ripe. several weeks, they should be soft enough that their sweet, almost gelatinous flesh practically breaks through the skin (ripening can be accelerated by leaving the persimmons in a paper bag with an apple, which produces additional ethylene to soften the fruit do.
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